The Influenza vaccine has arrived for 2024.
Because the influenza virus keeps changing, a new vaccine is required each year, it takes 10-14 days for the vaccine to protect you.
As per previous years, there are funded vaccines available however some of the criteria have changed from previous years. One big change this year is that children from the age of 6 months to 12 years are now eligible for a funded vaccine. Children under the age of 9 who have never had a flu vaccine will require a second dose no sooner than four weeks from the first dose to gain full immunity.
We will also be offering boosters of the Covid vaccine to eligible patients in clinic. There needs to be a 6 month gap between your last COVID vaccine or COVID illness to be able to have the COVID booster.
To make a booking for one of the above vaccinations, please contact Springlands Health on 03-578-0979 and one of our team will get you booked in. Please be patient when calling to make your booking as we will be dealing with a large volume of calls and whilst we will have extra staff on there may still be a delay in getting to your call.
For further information on flu vaccines and eligibility please visit the website here.
For further information on COVID vaccines / boosters and eligibility please visit the website here.