Tēnā koutou katoa
From 1st September 2024, Springlands Health will be updating fees we charge you, our patients. This is not a decision that we have taken lightly, or one that we have wanted to make. Our updated fees will be available shortly on our website and printed copies will be available in the practice.
We know many households are struggling with the increased cost of living and also understand the important role we play in providing equitable access to affordable, high-quality primary health care.
Many of us in the primary health sector have warned the government for a number of years that the continued under-funding of General Practice is affecting our ability to deliver timely and sustainable health care.
For the coming year, Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora have announced an increase in funding of only 4%. In the last year, our costs have risen significantly more than this. In addition, Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora has directed that any funding shortfall is to be made up by patient fee increases, not government funding.
We know that money is tight for many, and we feel uncomfortable at being forced to add to this pressure. Please be assured that we will continue to offer reduced cost or free services for children, Community Services Card holders and patients who receive additional funding through alternative providers such as ACC.
We do have some funding streams that we can use to help certain patients access their medical consultations. If the cost of accessing healthcare is a concern for you then please talk to anyone in the Admin Team who will be able to help you, or email our practice manager (manager@springlandshealth.co.nz).
As with all interactions you have with us, we respect the patience and tolerance shown as we navigate this journey together. If you, like us, feel that the funding of healthcare in New Zealand needs to be reviewed by the government we encourage you to reach out to our local MP Stuart Smith (stuart.smith@parliament.govt.nz) or the health minister Dr Shane Reti (s.reti@ministers.govt.nz).
Ngā mihi nui,
Springlands Health Ltd Team